A New Aclevo: The May Update

Welcome back to Aclevo! During our inactivity, we have been working hard on restructuring and re-branding ourselves, to ensure our viewers get the best quality content possible. Therefore, with all of the changes we’ve made, we have a ton of updates to share with you. Today we’ll be discussing our new branding, some renovations we’ve made to the channel, a major improvement to our staff implementation, and finally a few spoilers of some new content ideas that you can expect from us.

New Branding

Aclevo’s New Simplified Logo – Finalized in May 2019

As you may have noticed, we have updated our branding to be simpler and more elegant. These branding changes included modifications to the logo, and the banner, with updates to the thumbnails (where possible), intro, outro, mascot, fonts, and other branding material coming later on in 2019 and possibly 2020. We have also updated parts of the website to fit the new branding. In the end, the goal is for our branding to be simple and efficient in a way that is enjoyable for everyone. Our inspiration for this idea came from a viewpoint in design known as KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid), as well as feedback form our fans and our staff.

To help everyone, including our graphics team, to understand how to design using the new branding, here is a list of some specifications to help you make your designs:

  • Primary Color: Material Blue (#2196f3) – from 2014 Material Design Standards
    (More information about Material Design’s Color System can be found here.)
  • Secondary Color: White (#ffffff)
  • Heading Font: Ostrich Sans (Heavy) – View & Download (Free for Commercial Use)
  • Subtitle Font: Coda (Normal) – View & Download (Free for Commercial Use)

YouTube Channel Cleanup

Screenshot of Our YouTube Channel after Branding Update

Another part of our renovations include a cleanup of our YouTube Channel. Some videos no longer met our quality expectations, due to the updated standards of Aclevo Videos, and therefore had to be removed from the public eyes of our channel. These old videos also had ex-members that no longer want to associate with us, and by privatizing these videos we are honoring their request. They also contained old jokes and references that new fans would not entirely understand,  These videos will later be archived and we will be announcing more details about this in the future.

Here is a list of series and videos, including archives of past live streams, that will no longer be hosted on our YouTube Channel due to our updated standards, and were therefore made private:

  • Aclevo Live Archives: Cities: Skylines
  • Aclevo Live Archives: Euro Truck Simulator 2
  • Aclevo Live Archives: Let’s Play Flash Games
  • Aclevo Live Archives: Quiplash
  • Aclevo Live Archives: The Friday/Saturday Show
  • KGB Director Vlad Reacts
  • TheCodingGuy’s Technical Misadventures
  • WSP Archives: Quickies

Staff Rearrangement

Photo by Franck V. / Unsplash

As one of the biggest renovations to Aclevo, we are excited to announce that Reasonably Selenium is no longer the sole owner of Aclevo. As part of a way to improve the Executive Function, in order to create a better community for everyone, we have decided to add two more Owners. TheCodingGuy and Dottanarus now hold some of the ownership of the community, leaving there three official Owners, with each having 33.34% ownership. Both of them have been around since we were founded, and are proud to serve and improve our team. Here is Dottanarus with more information on the new Three Owner Arrangement:

Dottanarus here to explain the three-owner system. Basically, this is an effort to make things more fair for our members within Aclevo. In a standard dictatorship, an entire community will be essentially owned by one person. This one person could oversee a board who makes decisions on their behalf, or they could cut out the middle man and do everything themselves. Believe it or not, this is how most Discord servers are governed. This might keep things simple, but this also reduces the options that a server member has. Any problems that you have? You better hope that the owner cares. The idea of “my way or the highway” springs to mind.

Even then, this system of government has another issue. What if the owner needs to leave, even temporarily? Well then, nobody would be in charge of the server. If anybody had an emergency situation, there would be nobody to respond, except for other server members. We at Aclevo have had many of these moments occur at one point or another, and they’ve been particularly difficult to handle for everybody. With three owners, if any one of us needs to take a leave, or if any member has an issue with one of us, there’s two more of us that are there to help.

This also gives us more flexibility. You want 24/7 operations? How about faster, better, more efficient service? Better memes involving more explosions? More ambitious projects? We couldn’t manage all of these great things without the support of our owners, as well as everybody on our executive team, stepping in when we need things done. Without them, Aclevo wouldn’t even exist, let alone be as big as it is now. Thank you, and with that, I’m out.

Anyways… With our quarterly election process and cycle, the time has come for the Board to refresh itself with some new faces. Along with them, FairPlay137 has been re-elected President leading at eleven votes. Lemon was also elected Vice President, ringing himself him at four votes. Finally, with the introduction of the Second Vice President Role, Logan Swallows takes on the role with three votes. We are happy to see what these new team members have to contribute to make our community great.

Here is a list of the new members of our Board Team that were elected in:

  • Frinkeldoodle — 7 Votes
  • Monorail — 3 Votes
  • Quarky — 3 Votes

Content Changes

Screenshot of Current Videos that remained on Our YouTube Channel.

We are pleased to announce that we have some new content we are planning to roll out. Here is Vice President Logan Swallows for more information on what is to come:

Hello there! I am Logan Swallows, one of the Vice Presidents of Aclevo along with Lemon. As part of my duties, I make sure content gets produced and published on time and profesionally. Here is some information about some new content we are working on:

  • Manjaro: The Arch Way

This series will be about attempting to install Manjaro Linux in a virtual machine using the Arch Linux Installation Wiki and the Manjaro Architect ISO. We will be attempting to install it manually, using all the commands listed on the wiki.

  • Data On The Waves

In this series, Reasonably Selenium showcases RAW Data as sound and video waves at 4000 Hz using a program to convert it. The audio is approximately what you would hear if you listened to dial-up back in the 1990s. The video is a surprise.

  • Let’s Play Quiplash Together

A group of friends will be playing rounds of Quiplash and having fun. This will replace one of the old series that had to be taken down from our YouTube Channel due to the reasons listed above.

  • More Blog Posts

We will start to publish more blog posts to our blog in order to keep it alive and active. We are not spoiling these because we want them to remain a surprise for our viewers.

  • Portal 1-2 Playthroughs

The Portal 1-2 Playthrough will be on hiatus for some time as we work on the other series. However, Reasonably Selenium will be working on these playthroughs again if there is enough support when he is ready.

  • Untitled 2D Platformer Game???

We are currently planning on working on a new 2D Platformer Game. Details will be announced once we have enough content to show off. The game will possibly be similar to Super Mario Bros.

  • Untitled Visual Novel Game???

We are also planning on making a new visual novel game. Again, details will be announced when we have enough content to show to our fans. There is no additional information at this time.

Conclusion: The Future Of Aclevo

We can not thank everyone enough for being part of the Aclevo Community. We have had many adventures together, and these renovations are just the beginning to what is coming for all of us. We can not wait to release the new content we have been working on. We promise everybody that these changes that we have made are worth it, and the new content that we are working on will be worth the wait. Let us know down in the comments section about your ideas and we may make a project based on it, and don’t forget to hit the favorite button to let us know how we are doing. Thank you for reading this blog post, and we will see you soon.

This is Reasonably Selenium, one of the owners of Aclevo, signing out.

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